What You Need to Know
and Permits
Registration requirements for Colorado residents and non-residents, permit requirements, and registration information.
Trail Tips and
Vehicle noise, trail signs, vehicle width, trail width, staging, obstacles, passing, non-motorized traffic, and hunting.
OHVs on streets
and roads
Many cities and counties in Colorado have opened some or all of their roads/streets to off-highway vehicles (OHVs).
Full Size
In addition to OHV trails, there are a number of Full Size Trails open for recreational travel with full-sized vehicles in Colorado. These trails require an OHV permit for license plated vehicles.
Trail Maps and Information
Stay The Trail Colorado provides a central place where the public, organizations, and agencies can download all US Forest Service Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) for National Forest Lands and all of the available BLM Motorized Area Maps located in Colorado. These maps are kept up to date as the US Forest Service and BLM update their maps. Funding for this effort is provided by Colorado Parks and Wildlife in the form of grant funding that comes from registration of Off-Highway Vehicles in Colorado.
Calendar and News
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2023 Season Summary
Curious as to what we were up to in 2023? Check out our season summary below! STT_2023_SeasonSummary_DV1
OHV Permit for plated vehicles?
The talk of social media lately is revolving around the need for an OHV permit for plated vehicles. Definitions A lot of this confusion is based on the definitions of a "road" and a "trail". While the definitions seem to be interchangeable for the off-road community,...
2022 Stay The Trail Season Summary
Take a more detailed look at the accomplishments for the 2022 Season. Click here: STT_2022_SeasonSummary to view our season summary!
Clear Creek County Recreation In The Outdoors Management Plan
For full and part time Clear Creek residents, take the survey here: https://forum.clearcreekcounty.us/rompinfo/survey_tools/community-survey-romp-values-and-needs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, November 17th, 2022 CONTACT: Megan Hiler, Public Information Officer...
CPW Commission approves more than $6M for OHV trail projects
Upcoming Events
2nd Annual OHV Day at Main Draw OHV Area on Pawnee National Grassland
Yukon Total Takeover at The Edge Auto 4x4
Garage Works Open House
UC Health Safety Day at Badger Flats
View the Full Calendar
Get Involved
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About Stay the Trail
Our Organization
Our mission is to reinforce and highlight responsible OHV use, and to modify and mitigate irresponsible use in an effort to minimize resource damage on public land. Our goal is to create a statewide culture of responsible OHV use.
Our Funding
We are primarily funded by grants from the OHV registration program managed by Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Your contributions help us spread the word of responsible OHV use when visiting Colorado public lands.
Our Leadership
The Stay the Trail Education & Stewardship Alliance is a 501(c)(3) educational organization. We have several employees, a Board of Directors, and Ex-Officio Advisors who lead our team of OHV enthusiasts.