Trail Width
“Ride only on routes wider than your vehicle.”
Different trails are designed for different types of OHVs. Often the width of the trail contributes to the challenge of riding it. For example, dirt bike enthusiasts prefer tight single track trails to double track trails because they are more challenging. By only riding your vehicle on trails wider than your vehicle, you preserve the challenge and difficulty of trails for future riders.

Keep Your Wheels Where They Belong!®
And finally, remember:
Drive on designated motorized routes where such designations have been made.
Where no designations have been made, drive only on existing routes until designations are made.
On public lands managed by the Forest Service, use MVUMs to determine which trails and roads are open to your vehicle.
On public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), follow on-the-ground signs to determine which trails and roads are open to your vehicle.