OHV Registration & Permits

Colorado OHV Registration Requirements
“All OHVs owned and operated in Colorado (including motor vehicles and motorcycles that are not licensed for public road access) must display current Colorado OHV registration stickers when in a person’s possession in an OHV staging area or operated on any designated OHV trails or routes in Colorado.”
Colorado OHV Use Permit Requirements
“All OHVs and motor vehicles (including motorcycles) that display a valid Colorado or out-of -state license plate must also display a current Colorado OHV use permit sticker when operated on any designated OHV trails in Colorado.”
“All out of state OHVs (including OHVs that display an out of state OHV registration) must also display a current Colorado OHV use permit sticker when operated on any designated OHV trails or routes in Colorado.”
Register Your Ride!
Visit the Colorado Parks & Wildlife website to read more information on how to purchase OHV registrations and permits, and the projects that the OHV Registration program funds.
Colorado Resident Owned Equipment |
Trail Type | Full sized plated |
Full sized non-plated |
UTV Plated |
UTV non-plated |
ATV plated |
ATV non-plated |
Dirt Bike Plated |
Dirt Bike non-plated |
Road closed to OHVs | OK | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | OK | Not Allowed |
Road open to OHVs | OK | Registration | OK | Registration | Permit | Registration | OK | Registration |
Jeep Trails | Permit | Registration | Permit | Registration | Permit | Registration | Permit | Registration |
UTV Trails | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Permit | Registration | Permit | Registration | Permit | Registration |
ATV Trails | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not allowed | Permit | Registration | Permit | Registration |
Motorized Single Track | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Permit | Registration |
Non-Resident Owned Equipment |
Trail Type | Full sized plated |
Full sized non-plated |
UTV Plated |
UTV non-plated |
ATV plated |
ATV non-plated |
Dirt Bike Plated |
Dirt Bike non-plated |
Road closed to OHVs | OK | Not Allowed | OK | Not Allowed | OK | Not Allowed | OK | Not Allowed |
Road open to OHVs | OK | Permit | OK | Permit | OK | Permit | OK | Permit |
Jeep Trails | Permit | Permit | Permit | Permit | Permit | Permit | Permit | Permit |
UTV Trails | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Permit | Permit | Permit | Permit | Permit | Permit |
ATV Trails | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Permit | Permit | Permit | Permit |
Motorized Single Track | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Not Allowed | Permit | Permit |
- Roads open to OHVs means federal roads specifically open (through MVUM or RTMP) to OHV use or state, county, or municipal open to OHV use through ordinance and signage.
- Jeep trails means trails as noted by MVUM or RTMP as being open to full sized vehicles and labeled as trails and specifically not as roads.
- Side by Side trails mean trails noted on MVUM or RTMP as trails open to vehicles with a maximum width of 64 inches but closed to Full Size Vehicles.
- ATV trails mean trails as noted on MVUM or RTMP as trails open to vehicles with a maximum width of 50 inces but closed to Full Side Vehicles and Side by Sides greater then 50 inches.
- Motorized Single Track means trails designed for 2 wheeled vehicles where both wheels travel in the same track such as dirt bikes or mountain bikes.
- Colorado does not currently have a program that allows licensing (i.e., license plates) of ATVs and Side-by-Sides (UTVs) for highway use. There are some cities and counties in the state that DO allow OHV use on public roads.
Please Note: Colorado does NOT grant reciprocity for OHV/snowmobile registrations to other state OHV/snowmobile registration programs.