Non-Motorized Traffic
“Be an ambassador to non-motorized trail users including livestock and wildlife.”
Play Nice!
Your trails are always in danger of being closed. As an OHV enthusiast you can help prevent closures through responsible use and influence other OHV users by example. On any day of riding you become the face of OHV recreation to other users, leave them with a good impression of your sport.
Your behavior reflects on other trail users in the same group, ie. all motorcyclists, atv riders, 4wd enthusiasts, etc. Don’t create situations that can be used as issues against motorized use. It’s not a difficult task, all it requires is common sense and some common courtesy.

Always Yield the Trail to Non-Motorized Users
The mountain bikers have a yield triangle. The motorized version is a rhombus. Slow down and be prepared to stop when passing or meeting non-motorized users on the trail. Yield the right of way to them and be especially careful around horses.
Be Friendly
Interact with other users at the trailhead, especially non-motorized users. Say hello, compare direction of travel or destination and ETA. By creating a friendly mood early, possible unpleasant confrontations on the trail can be avoided.
Be Respectful
Multi-Use trails are necessary to minimize overall impact on the land and all those recreational users have the same right to enjoy the trails as you do. Respect that right.
Be Aware
On the trail, slow down in the presence of other users and in areas where forward visibility is limited, especially on crowded days. Non-Motorized users will hear you coming but give them a wide berth anyway. No one likes surprises on the trail.
Be Helpful
As a motorized user, you have a greater cargo carrying capacity and speed than non-motorized users. Chances are you have a good map or guide book, extra water, or can get an emergency responder faster than a non-motorized user. You could really leave a good impression by helping a lost group of hikers or sharing some extra water with a mountain biker if the situation arises.
Respect Wildlife and Livestock
Slow down, give them space and don’t chase or harass. Also leave gates as you found them whether opened or closed.

Keep Your Wheels Where They Belong!®
And finally, remember:
Drive on designated motorized routes where such designations have been made.
Where no designations have been made, drive only on existing routes until designations are made.
On public lands managed by the Forest Service, use MVUMs to determine which trails and roads are open to your vehicle.
On public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), follow on-the-ground signs to determine which trails and roads are open to your vehicle.