Hunting with Off-Highway Vehicles
“Hunting with OHVs requires extra caution.”
Fines may be assessed for violations and some violations may include penalty points assessed to hunting and fishing licenses. For complete hunting rules and regulations, visit the Colorado Parks and Wildlife website.

Safe Hunting
Rifles and bows carried on Off-Highway Vehicles must be completely unloaded and fully enclosed in a case. Vehicles may not be used as a rifle rest while hunting. Shooting from your vehicle or from, across or on a public road is prohibited.

Walk It Out
Motorized cross-country travel to retrieve game is not permitted in most areas. Be prepared to pack out your game. Check with the local BLM, Forest Service, or Colorado Parks and Wildlife office for specific game-retrieval policies.

Let ‘Em Be!
Give wildlife their space and be courteous of other public lands users.
Keep Your Wheels Where They Belong!®
And finally, remember:
Drive on designated motorized routes where such designations have been made.
Where no designations have been made, drive only on existing routes until designations are made.
On public lands managed by the Forest Service, use MVUMs to determine which trails and roads are open to your vehicle.
On public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), follow on-the-ground signs to determine which trails and roads are open to your vehicle.